Proud of the recognition.

GOOD-PUB-GUIDE-2015We are proud to announce that the Red Lion here in Weymouth has been included in three of the leading pub guides in 2015. Brian and the team have worked very hard since we took on the Red Lion five years ago to establish the pub as a pub to enjoy all year round. The Red Lion has been invested in twice since 2009 the latter restoration was just prior to the 2012 Olympic sailing events. We appreciate the support of our customers throughout the year such as the life boat crew who use the pub along with many local people and of course all the visitors to Weymouth who have helped us create a little institution. From Brian and our hard working team and our summer band ‘Replay’. Thank you!!

The three guides are the Good Pub Guide, The Sawdays Guide and the AA Pub Guide…..we are still working on the Good Beer guide hoping they will recognise our commitment to real ale.




70th Anniversary of the D-Day landings celebrated at the Red Lion!!

It was a lovely day weather wise and lots of folk turned up to remember the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Normandy landings that took place on 6th June 1944. Fancy dress was worn and old wartime songs were sung as people danced in Hope Square. An old police station was built in the square along with recruitment offices for wartime personnel!! The authenticity of the uniforms and the effort made was excellent.

Red Lion famous for its Pimms Bar….


The sun shone for Dorset Seafood Festival 2014 where we unveiled our outside ‘barrel’ bar. There was a great atmosphere in and around the pub. It was perfect weather for a nice cold Pimms and Lemonade.

Each day we enjoyed Replay who did a great job at getting the crowds dancing in the square. We were also treated to a performance from the Fishwives who entertained us with their classic songs!

Dorset Seafood Festival is continuing to grow each year and is a great event to visit next year if you missed 2014!

A massive Thank You to all the team for working really hard over this busy weekend.

The Annual Wessex Folk Festival

Every June (normally the first weekend after the May Whitsun bank holiday weekend) Hope Square plays host to many traditional and modern folk bands and individuals playing to a large and enthusiastic audience on the main stage of the event. The quayside too has acts either alfresco or tucked in to the corners of pubs doing their thing. A great time was had by all and its free! The event takes up Saturday and Sunday and this year 2014 had to be the best year yet. From all at the Red Lion we would like to thank all who supported the event and here’s to next year!

The Artistes Featured were…

REG MEUROSS (with Jess Vincent) – Album Launch.
O’Dalaigh’s Ceilidh Band
Alex Roberts
The Bow legged Skeeter
Shadrack Tye
Fabian Holland
JC and Angelina
the Grimaldi Band
Darren Hodge
Megan Linford
Joe Butcher
Victorian Barbers
The Flowing
Wight Hot Pipes
Dorset Wrecks
Alan Kirkpatrick and John Shaw
The Stone Donkey pilots
Ange Hardy
Gaz Brookfield
Devils Rejects
The infamous Wild Rover set
Unprepared Jug Band
Moonshine – Appalachian
La Rooster
Weymouth Ukeleans

A great summer at last!!

summerAfter the amazing August of 2012 with the sailing Olympics and all the joy and pride the sailing brought to Weymouth…not to mention all those visitors, we could be excused thinking a quieter year was ahead of us in 2013!!

The winter was long and harsh and we really were thinking ‘here we go again’ another summer without any sun!!! But we were proved so wrong. Not since 2006 has it been so lovely and the Red Lion with its 140 seats outside enjoyed many visitors too.

We had said when we planned our events and music outside let’s hope for a warm sunny summer and we managed to get one. Seafood festival was the biggest yet having been cancelled on the Saturday in 2012 because of gales and flooding!!

The good news is that this was the year our landlord Brian bought a boat!! Maybe that’s what has changed the weather………let’s hope so.

Big thanks to all the customers that visited the Red Lion in 2013 and enjoyed our food and drink and we look forward to seeing you all in 2014!!

If you check our events page you will see all the music dates and big events as well as Bank holiday dates for 2014 so here’s to a mild winter and another great summer in 2014!!

See you soon..

Why was our landlord Brian rescuing soap stars off Anglesey!??

jennyActress Jennifer Ellison and her husband were rescued by lifeboat crews when their boat’s engine failed while they were sea fishing off Anglesey.

The former Brookside star and husband Robbie Tickle were towed ashore by the RNLI in their inflatable at 11.30 BST.

Ms Ellison said on social networking site Twitter: “Just been sea fishing with my hubby!! Needed to be rescued!!! Terrifying! Thanks so much RNLI!”

The 16ft (5m) boat had begun drifting towards Moelfre island when a lifeboat was launched, the RNLI said.

Mr Barclay said: “At the time of the rescue we didn’t realise it was Jennifer on board, but after all the interest it has generated I wanted to thank her for helping to raise awareness of the work of the RNLI charity and for showing her gratitude to the crew.

“They had the misfortune of suffering engine failure whilst out sea fishing but were towed back in without any complications.”

Ms Ellison, of Liverpool, is best known for her roles in Channel 4 soap Brookside and film Phantom of the Opera.

Brian claims he was at work and this is his doppelganger!!

Commemorative Picture takes pride of Place!!

lifenewThe first signed photograph from the Weymouth Lifeboat Crew was framed and hung from the rum barrel wall in the pub.

Each year a photo will be signed by the crew, framed and hung in the Red Lion to commemorate the ‘Red Lion Life Boat Day’ which is held every November in honour of the brave crew and the pubs attachment to the Weymouth Lifeboat historically!!

It is a tradition to present the money raised over the year by the sales of our very own lifeboat bitter!!

So if you want to help the RNLI buy a pint when you are in and have a look at the many pictures around the pub.