It’s that time of year again! The Red Lion Lifeboat Day! When the crew of the Weymouth Lifeboat got competitive and baked off against each other.
13 ‘lucky for some’ entrants battled it out. Brian, Mary and Tim were the judges again, marking the bakers on four key areas…..Link to Christmas, taste, technical difficulty and originality!
In fourth place was the ginger bread life boat completed by Chaloner, in third place was the amazing rice crispy turkey and Christmas pud by Lil.
In second was the dome cake by Kev.
In first place was Jules and her amazing Christmas cake with a difference! It was the taste that really won it for Jules ….delicious! It was unanimous!
The crew celebrated back at the Red Lion where the annual cheque was presented to Coxswain Andy for £600

The winner

The Judges do their thing!